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Anthony Davis
Sep 15, 20204 min read
Children are inquisitive. Their questions are never-ending, starting from why do boats float? How do we get rain? Or how does a plane...
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Anthony Davis
Sep 29, 20204 min read
Can a 5 year old start learning how to program, and if so how?
YES everyone can learn how to code. If you are serious then read only. Now the biggest question arises how and where .I will try my best...
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Anthony Davis
Sep 21, 20205 min read
The 10 most beneficial lifelong learning skills
Learning never has to be formal always, self-initiated education is known as lifelong learning which mainly focuses on personal...
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Anthony Davis
Sep 12, 20203 min read
Why 2.5 Millions kids are learning coding from us!!
With that, we are going to navigate this twisty-turny coding landscape through the various topics:(60 sec video for better understanding)...
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